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SCOM – Database Performance & Configuration Sources
Most customers who are using SCOM need sooner or later tips and resources to check if their SCOM databases are in proper condition and might want to check if there are some performance issues. The Operations Manager team has just published a very useful post for troubleshooting database performance issues. In addition there is a […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – System Center Advisor Overview
A few month ago Microsoft released a preview version of System Center Advisor for SCOM 2012 SP1. This service was announced at MMS 2013 and gave you some idea what there might be coming. In that SCOM 2012 SP1 preview version you needed to download and configure separate components which was not as handy as […]
SCOM 2012 – Console Error Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Console.exe
There are different ways to install the SCOM console. One way is to install it calling the regular SCOM 2012 setup wizard and choosing the SCOM console option. The other way is executing directly the OMCONSOLE.msi package. The difference is, if you call the regular SCOM setup wizard it will check for pre-requisites. If you […]