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SCOM 2012 – PowerShell Grid Widget & Web Console Pitfall
In the past posts I have blogged about the new dashboard widgets primarily about PowerShell Grid & Web Widget. As in every technology there are cases were you stumble on some errors. This happens to me while playing with the PowerShell Grid Widget. The following code should list all processes which have a CPU value […]
Microsoft Azure Operational Insights – Mobile App Available
I have blogged previously about Microsoft Azure Operational Insights which is still in a preview stage and you can test it free of charge. Microsoft did already a great job visualizing all the data collected by the Intelligence Packs. At this moment you are also able to have all this information on your Windows Phone. […]
OMS – Monitor Windows Services / Processes
One thing I am missing in OMS is, to monitor windows services and processes easily. Well, there are many ways to monitor such components with OMS like: Run some sort of PowerShell script on the server to check the windows service or processes status and then use the HTTP Data Collector API to ingest the […]