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SCOM 2012 – PowerShell Grid Widget & Web Console Pitfall
In the past posts I have blogged about the new dashboard widgets primarily about PowerShell Grid & Web Widget. As in every technology there are cases were you stumble on some errors. This happens to me while playing with the PowerShell Grid Widget. The following code should list all processes which have a CPU value […]
System Center Universe Europe – Session Recordings on Channel 9
The long-awaited session recordings from System Center Universe Europe are NOW available on Channel 9! Matt Hester has provided a list linked to each session, check it out on his blog. For your convenience I copied the links to this post. All credits to Matt! Here are all 60 of sessions from System Center Universe […]
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At Ignite 2018 a couple of weeks ago, I got the feeling that Microsoft is getting really serious about their hybrid cloud strategy. It may sound strange or weird, because Microsoft always used the terms hybrid cloud and announced tailored products. But in the past years, I wasn’t really sure that Microsoft will hear the […]