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SCOM 2012 – NetApp MP 3.1 Error 1923 (VIM_Service)
If you are going to setup the NetApp OnCommand Plug-in 3.1 as I posted here there is a chance that you run into an “Error 1923Service OnCommand Virtual Infrastructure Management Service (VIM_Service) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.”
Azure Monitor – Application Insights Status Monitor v2 (Part 1)
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SCOM – Failed SCOM Agent Installation Error Code 80004005
Today I bumped into an issue, while deploying a SCOM 2012 SP1 agent to a Windows 2003 server. The task failed with the following error… In English it says that “The MOM Server could not execute WMI Query “Select * from Win32_Environment where NAME=’PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE’” on computer” Error Code: 80004005. The server I wanted to […]