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MMS 2012 Download Sessions – Offline Viewing
Here I just created a script to download the MMS 2012 sessions for offline viewing . There are few things you will need: Create a login account here Get the script and the session file from here UPDATE (26.04.2012): I uploaded the latest sessions.txt file to skydrive which I received from Eric. It contains […]
OMS – Error “Run Login-AzureRMAccount to Login” e.g. OMS Cmdlets
I wanted to play with the OMS cmdlets which are part of the AzureRM modules. The OMS / OperationsInsights module itself is called AzureRM.OperationsalInsights. A good place to start with OMS native PowerShell cmdlets is a blog post on the Building Clouds blog. So what is the exact issue? Well, I tried to query my […]
SCOM 2012 – Add a product key to an eval version
Microsoft published KB2699998 which guides you through setting a valid license key for a SCOM 2012 evaluation version. KB can be found here.