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Azure Monitor – Application Insights Status Monitor v2 (Part 1)
Do you have a .NET application running somewhere in your datacenter or in the cloud and you have the need to monitor it properly? Maybe you need some APM tool or you just want to diagnose, if there are any failure or issues and what it might be causing these problems? In addition, you might […]
OMS – Price & Size Calculator
You might have already heard of Operations Management Suite (OMS) or you are already using the free OMS version which is great, besides the limitations :). Now you are deciding to actually buy a licenses for your company and you don’t know how much the licenses will cost. Luckily Microsoft has created an online calculator […]
ARM Template – Deployment Error “[Subscription().SubscriptionId]” The request is invalid…
Recently I authored some ARM stuff in Visual Studio and I had a need for getting the current subscription ID the template is being deployed to. So there is a helper function you can call like this… “subscriptionId”: “[subscription().subscriptionId]” I used it in the template like this… …but as soon I tried to deploy the […]