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SCOM 2012 SP1 – Part 2: Audit Collection Services (ACS) Cross Platform Setup
In part 1 we installed the ACS collector, ACS reporting and enabled one Windows server to forward the events to the collector server ACS01. In this part we will install the cross platform part of ACS to collect the events from Linux systems.
SCOM 2012 – Monitor SMA Runbook Instance (VSAE Sample MP)
When you are starting to automate processes in your company you soon will find out, that not all runbooks will run for a short time. There are also cases where you need a runbook, which is using a loop to monitor certain things or trigger other runbooks. In other words, there are cases where you […]
Azure Automation – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
Well it has been a while since last post, because there is a lot going on in my private life as also in my job. But now some “tasks” are completed and I will have more time for community work again. Microsoft product machinery is running at high speed in all areas. One tool I […]