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SCOM 2012 – Try Linux Nagios Plugins e.g. File Age Check
You might remember MacGyver – a guy who could build a NASA rocket out of some explosives, matches and a steel tube. He was my hero back then but today you could also be a MacGyver by just using the tools you have and just plug it the right way together. That means MacGyver used […]
Not monitored Domain Controllers still showing under Windows Computers – Active Directory MP DiscoverAgentOnly
If you are monitoring Active Directory in a multi-domain environment you might only want to monitor certain domain controller because you don’t have the administrative sovereignty nor any permission to access the other systems.In that case you probably installed the SCOM agents to your domain controllers and imported the Active Directory management pack. If so […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: File System Discovery e.g. Exclude /tmp
A little pain in SCOM 2012 R2 was, that as soon you installed the UNIX/Linux management packs for your distribution all UNIX/Linux folders were discovered on the file system. This could be lead to a huge list of monitored directories e.g. /tmp, /var… which was not intended to be. To overcome this problem, you would […]