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SMA Authoring Toolkit – Some Runbooks Are Not Showing Up
When you are creating runbooks in SMA (Service Management Automation) and you are using the SMA Authoring Toolkit available on PowerShell Gallery, you might have also have faced a very annoying bug. If you have a certain amount of runbooks in SMA and you are browsing through the runbook list in ISE you simply cannot […]
Azure Functions – Setting Tags on Subscriptions Using C#
It has been a couple of month ago, Microsoft announced that it is possible to set tags on subscriptions. This makes totally sense and was a long awaited feature. Good practice is to use Azure Policy to set tags on resources, but there are cases where it is not possible to use Azure Policy. Well, […]
SCOM 2012 – VSAE Extend Unix Class For Dynamic Grouping
Some time ago I wrote a post where I extended a Linux class for dynamic grouping using the Visual Studio Authoring Extensions (VSAE). Well, this was just for playing around and testing some stuff. Recently I had a requirement to build views according to Unix teams. There were different Unix / Linux distributions, all kind […]