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SCOM VSAE – Custom Dynamic Computer Groups Based On Server Registry Keys
As soon you are implementing SCOM, you are faced with grouping your servers. Either you use the groups for views, overrides or just in subscriptions. Which ever might be your reason to group your windows computers, you will need to group your windows computer objects dynamically. One option which I recommend is grouping the objects […]
Quick Post – PowerShell Blog
This blog has been up and running for a couple of years now. I mainly blog about System Center and OMS. During my daily work, I am using PowerShell a lot and sometimes I am able to figure out some cool stuff or would like to share some challenges I faced. In my opinion is […]
SCOM 2007 R2 CU2 – Deploy Agent to Sun Solaris 10 Zone (SPARC)
Today I had a kind of emergency operation to complete. The customer needed a pre-prod Solaris 10 environment monitored with SCOM 2007 R2. The purpose was to get an idea what he could do and to show other teams what it looks like. There was just one small hitch it had to be now (as […]