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SCOM 2012 R2 – PowerShell To Determine Agent Required Disk Space
Do you use any of the System Center products which use an agent? SCOM is one of these products which needs to have an agent installed on the monitored systems. But do you know how much space an agent really uses? Why is this important? Well, let’s assume you have to monitor an older operating […]
Azure DevOps – Commit URL on Azure Resource Tag (Part 1)
When you deploy an Azure resource like VM, storage account etc. via Azure DevOps you don’t know from which commit in your repository it had been deployed. The only thing you can assume that it was probably the latest run of your pipeline which deployed that resource. There is no obvious connection between the ARM […]
SCOM 2012 – Operations Manager 2012 Sizing Helper Tool
Microsoft just released the new Operations Manager 2012 Sizing Helper Tool. There was a similar Tool (basically it is an Excel sheet) for SCOM 2007 R2. But now there is also some guidance on Best Practices Disk Configuration, SQL Temp DB, High Availability and Network Monitoring. This tool can be found here .