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SCOM 2012 – Comparing Deployed Agents vs. Active Directory Computer Objects (PowerShell)
It has been a moment since my last post, but I assume you know how everything goes crazy before Christmas. This time I would like to share a script which is very useful while implementing SCOM. When you deploy agents you will be guided by the SCOM wizard and at the server selection appear only […]
Good-by SCOMfaq – Welcome
I have been blogging about 2.5 years now mostly about System Center Operations Manager. I also blogged about Orchestrator and useful PowerShell scripts. My goal is always to provide a solution to a problem. There are many blogs out there which blog about WHAT is new but not HOW to use the technology or HOW […]
SCOM – Populate Attributes Through PowerShell
This time I would like to show a cool idea about modifying class instance properties. In SCOM we usually use registry or WMI discoveries to populate attributes. These attributes are used for dynamic groups or maybe just to append some more information to the class instance. Imagine you are using a registry discovery for populating […]