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SCOM 2012 – Console Error Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Console.exe
There are different ways to install the SCOM console. One way is to install it calling the regular SCOM 2012 setup wizard and choosing the SCOM console option. The other way is executing directly the OMCONSOLE.msi package. The difference is, if you call the regular SCOM setup wizard it will check for pre-requisites. If you […]
SCOM 2012 – VSAE Extend Unix Class For Dynamic Grouping
Some time ago I wrote a post where I extended a Linux class for dynamic grouping using the Visual Studio Authoring Extensions (VSAE). Well, this was just for playing around and testing some stuff. Recently I had a requirement to build views according to Unix teams. There were different Unix / Linux distributions, all kind […]
SCOM 2012 – Find SCOM Object for “Unknown” ID in Alert
There are sometimes alerts which might contain some strange id’s which are not as informational as you might would like have. One way to find out what is hiding behind this id is to use a SCOM Powershell command. As an example, today I received an alert that looked like this…