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Microsoft MVP Award 2016
Wow, today is a very exciting and special day as I received a mail from Microsoft letting me know that I got renewed for the MVP award. This is probably one of the most exciting moments in in every IT Pro’s life, when he gets this award. I am an extremely proud member of a […]
SCOM – Failed SCOM Agent Installation Error Code 80004005
Today I bumped into an issue, while deploying a SCOM 2012 SP1 agent to a Windows 2003 server. The task failed with the following error… In English it says that “The MOM Server could not execute WMI Query “Select * from Win32_Environment where NAME=’PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE’” on computer” Error Code: 80004005. The server I wanted to […]
SCOM 2012 – Visio and SharePoint extensions
The Operations Manager team released the Visio and SharePoint extensions for System Center Operations Manager 2012 which can be used to visualize the state of system in a dynamic diagram. These diagrams can be displayed either in Visio or SharePoint. I will test them soon… These extensions can be found here.