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5 Trends impacting cloud technologies adoption
There are a host of trends impacting the cloud market at the moment, and understanding them will give you a better idea not only about industry growth and spending going forwards, but also about how it is necessary to remove the barriers that are still preventing some organizations from adopting. [Image Source: Pixabay] Performance optimization […]
Azure Stack – Azure Stack Development Kit Azure Registration
The next step in our Azure Stack Development Kit journey is to join Azure. In order to download marketplace items from Azure and to set up commerce data reporting back to Microsoft, we will need to register Azure Stack in Azure. This is required to support full Azure Stack functionality, including marketplace syndication. If you […]
SCOM – Save a Connection String for Use in a PowerShell Script
Sometimes it is necessary to store certain information in a (secure) way, like a connection string, which you might want to use in your PowerShell scripts. The scripts could be then used e.g for the Command Notification Channel. Let’s assume you need to connect to a foreign system and this system provides you with a […]