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Azure Monitor – Monitoring Kubernetes (AKS) Sample Application Using Prometheus Scraping
Kubernetes is a proven and booming technology on Azure and so it is no surprise, that we need to monitor the Kubernetes infrastructure layer as well as the applications running on top of Kubernetes. A while ago Microsoft released Azure Monitor for containers, which gives you a good health and performance status of your Azure […]
SCOM 2012 – Console Error Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Console.exe
There are different ways to install the SCOM console. One way is to install it calling the regular SCOM 2012 setup wizard and choosing the SCOM console option. The other way is executing directly the OMCONSOLE.msi package. The difference is, if you call the regular SCOM setup wizard it will check for pre-requisites. If you […]
SCOM 2012 – Install SCOM PowerShell Modules Without SCOM Console Installation
Yes we all know less is sometimes more. This saying does not only belong to the human bodyweight, nope, since the Windows Server Core area we all know less “*.dll” is better. Like this saying, a few days ago I had been asked an interesting question. How can we use the SCOM PowerShell module without […]