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SCOM 2012 – Get Rule / Monitor Details For Corresponding Workflow Name
Sometimes you receive alerts from SCOM which contain a lot of content in the description. For example in certain cases you receive alert like this… In this description you see the workflow name Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal.Collection. In some cases it is more difficult to figure out a bit more about a workflow and using the GUI search […]
System Center Universe Europe – SCOM Dashboards New Widgets and Possibilities
Here I would like to share the session recording from System Center Universe Europe 2014 about the new SCOM widgets and what you could do with it. Sadly we had just one hour to talk about but I hope you get a good impression of the almost endless possibilities. For your convenience I am sharing […]
SCOM – New “Friday Rules” Series…Let’s Rule!
Today I would like to announce “Friday Rules”. Yes, of course Friday rules, but in my context I am going to publish short videos about the monitoring rules in SCOM always on a Friday. My goal is to show a short example (10-15 minutes) how you can create rules and what those can do for […]