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SMA – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
A couple of month ago Microsoft released the latest (updated) version of PowerShell 5.0 . Why is this worth writing about? Well, with every new release there are some fantastic goodies included, you just need to discover them :). One of these goodies is (my) long awaited runbook editing capability for ISE. In this post […]
SCOM – Agent in DMZ “Not Monitored” Event ID 20071
You want to monitor an agent in the DMZ and you are sure you implemented everything correctly but the agent just does not turn green. The agent just stays in a “Not Monitored” state. I checked EVERYTHING… Checked certificate template Checked certificates itself Compared the certificate serial number in the registry of the agent and […]
System Center – SQL Server 2008 R2 Performance Tuning
In this article I would like to share some SQL Server performance tuning tricks which will give an extra boost to your System Center infrastructure. I will focus on SQL Server 2008 R2 as this is the latest SQL Server edition. My attempt was to create a generic tuning guide for System Center but because […]