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Azure Monitor – Application Insights Web Test Query Azure Resource Graph
Back in the good, old SCOM days, there was a thing called Global Service Monitor (GSM) which is still available. What was / is GSM? System Center Global Service Monitor is a cloud service that provides a simplified way to monitor the availability of external-web-based applications from multiple locations around the world. One of the […]
SCOM 2012 – Export Grey Agents using Powershell
There was a request in the TechNet forum to get all grey agents in SCOM 2012 using Powershell and export the Displayname and HealthState into a file. Because I haven’t seen a solution I thought I will share these few lines of code maybe you can use them also. #Import the OperationsManager module Import-Module OperationsManager […]
SCOM 2012 R2 Java APM – MP Installation and Configuration (Part 3)
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