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Quick Post – Create a file of any size quickly
Today I had to prepare some labs for a workshop and there I needed some test files of different sizes. It is sometimes a time consuming process of getting the entire preparation done. But if you know how to create stuff quickly on the command prompt without copying and downloading you are going to be […]
SCOM – Populate Attributes Through PowerShell
This time I would like to show a cool idea about modifying class instance properties. In SCOM we usually use registry or WMI discoveries to populate attributes. These attributes are used for dynamic groups or maybe just to append some more information to the class instance. Imagine you are using a registry discovery for populating […]
SCOM – Role Permission For Scheduled Reports
Depending on the SCOM role you are using you might need to give the user the ability to see and run scheduled reports. For example you add the user into the SCOM Operator role in addition you create Report Operator role and you assign this Report Operator role permission for Reporting Services. Marnix Wolf has […]