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SCOM 2012 R2 – Operations Manager Survival Guide
Some are might not aware that there is an excellent maintained list of very useful sources for System Center Operations Manager called The System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Survival Guide . If you are working with SCOM this is a must have in your link list. You will find a summary of excellent blog […]
SCOM 2012 – Get Rule / Monitor Details For Corresponding Workflow Name
Sometimes you receive alerts from SCOM which contain a lot of content in the description. For example in certain cases you receive alert like this… In this description you see the workflow name Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.NetworkAdapter.PercentBandwidthUsedTotal.Collection. In some cases it is more difficult to figure out a bit more about a workflow and using the GUI search […]
OMS – Error “Run Login-AzureRMAccount to Login” e.g. OMS Cmdlets
I wanted to play with the OMS cmdlets which are part of the AzureRM modules. The OMS / OperationsInsights module itself is called AzureRM.OperationsalInsights. A good place to start with OMS native PowerShell cmdlets is a blog post on the Building Clouds blog. So what is the exact issue? Well, I tried to query my […]