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DPM 2012 R2 – Console “No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it”
Doing same things again and again, does not mean they end up always the same way. At one point you want to monitor DPM 2012 R2 and you probably want to use the Central Console to manage your DPM servers. If you want to achieve this, you need to install the Central Console on the […]
SCOM – Linux Agent Deployment “Signed certificate verification operation was not successful”
Today I ran into a problem which is not new to SCOM cross-platform monitoring but since this problem will hit you sooner or later it makes sense to write about it. This issue applies to all SCOM versions. It could well be that when you are deploying SCOM agents to your UNIX/Linux server you will […]
System Center Universe Europe 2014 – Looking Back…
For the second time in a row, the community conference System Center Universe 2014 Europe was held on September 17-19 2014 in Basel-Switzerland. 370 people from 20 different countries attended the conference to learn, present, discuss, meet and have fun. Depending on the person the priority of these activities may changed during the 3 days […]