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SCOM VSAE – Custom Dynamic Computer Groups Based On Server Registry Keys
As soon you are implementing SCOM, you are faced with grouping your servers. Either you use the groups for views, overrides or just in subscriptions. Which ever might be your reason to group your windows computers, you will need to group your windows computer objects dynamically. One option which I recommend is grouping the objects […]
SCOM 2012 Agent Failover – An Event Log Check
Sometimes we need a sign to check that some things happen . For me I wanted to visualize and verify if a SCOM agent failed over properly or not. As you might know the Windows agents do not report to a SCOM 2012 resource pool. If you install an agent on a Windows server the […]
SCOM – Editing SPN Quickly
If you are dealing with SCOM, you know that there is a lot to install and configure before it runs smoothly. One step during the installation process, is to configure the SPN (Service Principal Names) in Active Directory. In fact you need to set SPNs per SCOM management server and if you are hosting the […]