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SCOM 2012 – Performance of Linux Processes CPU, Memory…
I am a huge fan of Microsoft and I love to work with Microsoft products but sometimes I like to make a step to the “Dark Side” and put my fingers on Linux . As I frequently answer some questions on TechNet I found an interesting question. How could you monitor processes on Linux and […]
VMM 2012 R2 – Remove Corrupted SCOM Connector
Yet another interesting SCOM problem. Today I was at a customer for fixing some SCOM issues, respectively to reinstall SCOM. The problem was, that there was a SCOM incl. VMM integration in place. Because of many issues SCOM was removed without properly removing the VMM integration. So if you tried to remove the SCOM connector […]
SCOM 2012 – Meets MS Flow and Service Bus or How to Translate Alerts
Everything is going international and everything is interconnected. Microsoft is providing many technologies to build bridges between different technologies and systems. I like the idea to build connectors to have a system A talking to system B within a matter of seconds. Microsoft Flow is such a technology which will interconnect systems with each other. […]