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SCOM – Database Performance & Configuration Sources
Most customers who are using SCOM need sooner or later tips and resources to check if their SCOM databases are in proper condition and might want to check if there are some performance issues. The Operations Manager team has just published a very useful post for troubleshooting database performance issues. In addition there is a […]
Visio Management Pack Designer – “The dependencies for this management pack cannot be located”
This year Microsoft released the Visio Management Pack Designer (VMPD) a tool to design and create SCOM management packs using Visio. Basically it is a plug-in for Visio 2010 SP1 which adds management pack “stencils” and after the design process you are able to check for errors and then compile the “drawing” into a management […]
SCSM – Get Service Request Object From Any Nested Child Runbook Activity
When you are starting to automate stuff in your cloud environment you probably use SMA for automation and Service Manager to trigger the necessary runbooks in SMA. As this is really great stuff you will start facing many new challenges because you have to script in PowerShell to achieve your goals. Depending on your architecture […]