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SCOM 2012 – Get Agent Failover Management Server
Because of an issue I needed to get the failover management servers of the agents. Well, because I like to fool around with Powershell I thought I would write a short script. Just to give you some background how I figured it out. First I got the members of the Get-SCOMAgent command by typing: Get-SCOMAgent […]
Azure Functions – Setting Tags on Subscriptions Using C#
It has been a couple of month ago, Microsoft announced that it is possible to set tags on subscriptions. This makes totally sense and was a long awaited feature. Good practice is to use Azure Policy to set tags on resources, but there are cases where it is not possible to use Azure Policy. Well, […]
SCOM 2012 – Update Rollup CU1
About 1 month after RTM SCOM 2012 receives its first update package. There is a detailed update description and a list with fixed issues. Also the update process is far more easier than we are used to good old times. You can find the KB article here and download here.