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SCOM 2012 – Custom AEM Reports
If you followed the community lately, you see some are writing blog posts about reporting in System Center. It is funny as I also have been playing around with Report Builder 3.0 lately and it seems that I am following this trend. Building custom reports is not that difficult if you have some sort of […]
SCOM 2012 – PowerShell Grid Widget & Web Console Pitfall
In the past posts I have blogged about the new dashboard widgets primarily about PowerShell Grid & Web Widget. As in every technology there are cases were you stumble on some errors. This happens to me while playing with the PowerShell Grid Widget. The following code should list all processes which have a CPU value […]
SMA – SMA Runbook Toolkit (SMART) Watch The Encoding
Recently while building some serious SMA runbooks I bumped in an issue. We usually develop the SMA runbooks in different editors like PowerShell ISE / SMA GUI / Notepad++ and keep them saved in TFS online, which we managed through Visual Studio. After we finished developing the runbook, which would update the runbook activity in […]