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SCOM – Agent in DMZ “Not Monitored” Event ID 20071
You want to monitor an agent in the DMZ and you are sure you implemented everything correctly but the agent just does not turn green. The agent just stays in a “Not Monitored” state. I checked EVERYTHING… Checked certificate template Checked certificates itself Compared the certificate serial number in the registry of the agent and […]
SCOM 2012 R2 Java APM – Configure JEE Application Monitoring (Part 2)
In part 1 we have installed a Linux and Tomcat 6 application server. A must requirement to install and run Java Application Performance Monitoring (Java APM) is, that your application server is deeply monitored using Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) management pack for Tomcat 6. Some time ago I did write a blog post how to […]
ARM Template – Deployment Error “[Subscription().SubscriptionId]” The request is invalid…
Recently I authored some ARM stuff in Visual Studio and I had a need for getting the current subscription ID the template is being deployed to. So there is a helper function you can call like this… “subscriptionId”: “[subscription().subscriptionId]” I used it in the template like this… …but as soon I tried to deploy the […]