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Application Insights – Getting Started…
When System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 was released, the SCOM agent name changed to Microsoft Monitoring Agent. Almost at the same time Microsoft released a standalone version of this agent called also Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA). Currently is a preview version of Microsoft Monitoring Agent UR1 available for download. But what does that mean […]
SCOM 2012 – Try Linux Nagios Plugins e.g. File Age Check
You might remember MacGyver – a guy who could build a NASA rocket out of some explosives, matches and a steel tube. He was my hero back then but today you could also be a MacGyver by just using the tools you have and just plug it the right way together. That means MacGyver used […]
SCOM 2012 R2 – What’s New Overview
SCOM 2012 R2 preview has been released and Microsoft has made some major investments technologies like Java APM (application monitoring for Java), Virtual Machine Manager integration, Azure monitoring and System Center Advisor. Overview: