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SCOM 2012 R2 – Integrate SC Advisor Website
If you talk to people for example at System Center Universe DACH you get ideas and also solutions right from the experts. Well this time, I was having dinner with Cameron Fuller (THE SCOM guru) from Catapult Systems , just a simple idea came up. As you know System Center Advisor will be available as […]
OMS – Agent for Linux Installation (Preview)
Operational Management Suite (OMS) is probably the final product of a long evolution process starting back in 2011 known as System Center Advisor, later on transforming into Microsoft Azure Operational Insight and finally into a growing management suite for Azure and on-premise services. Read my post here for more historical information on this awesome solution. […]
Reset Monitor using SCOM 2012 and Orchestrator – A must have Runbook
There is at least one Runbook each SCOM responsible must have. Are you wondering which? Well, I am sure you are always aware of what kind of alert you are closing. Is this alert beeing generated by a rule or by a monitor. If it is generated by a rule you just can close the […]