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SCOM 2012 – Try Linux Nagios Plugins e.g. File Age Check
You might remember MacGyver – a guy who could build a NASA rocket out of some explosives, matches and a steel tube. He was my hero back then but today you could also be a MacGyver by just using the tools you have and just plug it the right way together. That means MacGyver used […]
SCOM – Global Service Monitor Using Visual Studio Web Test
Global Service Monitor has been around for quite some time now. If you never heard of Global Service Monitor then I would like to give you a short description by Microsoft. System Center Global Service Monitor is a cloud service that addresses this problem by extending the application monitoring capabilities in System Center 2012 beyond […]
SCOM 2012 – Reporting Server Install Error
Recently I ran into a problem while installing the reporting components of SCOM 2012. Everything went well until selecting the SQL Server instance and clicking “Next”. The error below hit my screen.