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SCOM 2012 – Web Console Show Informational Alerts
If you use the default settings the SCOM 2012 web console shows no informational alerts in the Active Alerts view . Only warnings and critical alerts will be shown .
SCOM 2012 – Find Workflow From Windows Event
When you are deploying SCOM agents to many servers from a test or prod environment, it could happen that a server administrator steps up to you and tells you that he has many strange event log entries which are probably from SCOM. Like in this example here…
SMA – Database Grooming Some Things You Should Know
SMA is Microsoft’s on-premise automation engine and the successor of Opalis / Orchestrator. We have utilized this engine quite a lot and have lots of experience developing PowerShell workflows for SMA. But as every system your need to maintain and pamper it, otherwise it will strike back at some point. We recently experienced such an […]