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MMS 2013 Download Sessions – Offline Viewing
Last year I published a PowerShell script to download the MMS sessions. It has been such a great success that I got a lot of nice responses. Therefore I made just small changes and it will work for the MMS 2013 also since they are published on channel 9. But as we are used to […]
Azure Bot Service – MAX Automation and Monitoring Bot
I had a dream! I had a dream about talking and chatting with my computer and then would receive a spoken or written answer to my question. In a similar way like this movie scene . Which sounds like a dream, could become reality for you or maybe it already is in your company. This […]
Power BI – AAD Activity Logs App: The credentials provided for the AADData source are invalid
Power BI used to have Content Packs which were a way to package up your dashboards, reports, Excel workbooks and datasets for Power BI. Microsoft changed it now to so called Apps, probably to be consistent with their Azure terms. There is an interesting App for Azure Active Directory to analyze the Activity Logs. If […]