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SCOM 2012 R2 – Discovery was not successful “Unspecified failure” (Ubuntu 12.04)
Today I have been playing around with some other Linux distribution and I ran into a strange error. I ran the SCOM discovery wizard and the after a few seconds the wizard showed me this error….
Power BI – AAD Activity Logs App: The credentials provided for the AADData source are invalid
Power BI used to have Content Packs which were a way to package up your dashboards, reports, Excel workbooks and datasets for Power BI. Microsoft changed it now to so called Apps, probably to be consistent with their Azure terms. There is an interesting App for Azure Active Directory to analyze the Activity Logs. If […]
SCOM – Friday Rules NT Event Rule (Alert)
Again one week later, it is time for “Friday Rules”. I can imagine you have been using this rule a lot, so I tried to add some additional information e.g. how you can create custom event logs and events using PowerShell and of how to spice up your alert names. I hope you will enjoy. […]