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SCOM / SCSM – Retrieve Decrypted RunAs Account Credentials
I am not sure if you have seen it, but Richard Warren from nccgroup has figured out, how to decrypt the RunAs account credentials in SCOM. The problem up to now was, that there was no official way to retrieve the encrypted credentials from SCOM. There is just one DLL to use, which offers the […]
SCOM – Failed SCOM Agent Installation Error Code 80004005
Today I bumped into an issue, while deploying a SCOM 2012 SP1 agent to a Windows 2003 server. The task failed with the following error… In English it says that “The MOM Server could not execute WMI Query “Select * from Win32_Environment where NAME=’PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE’” on computer” Error Code: 80004005. The server I wanted to […]
System Center Universe Europe – Session Recordings on Channel 9
The long-awaited session recordings from System Center Universe Europe are NOW available on Channel 9! Matt Hester has provided a list linked to each session, check it out on his blog. For your convenience I copied the links to this post. All credits to Matt! Here are all 60 of sessions from System Center Universe […]