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SCOM – How Data is Encrypted
Recently I got a question from a customer how SCOM traffic is encrypted. Well, I knew that the traffic IS encrypted, but how the encryption works, that is a different story. First we need to know, about what traffic we are talking about. Is it the communication between agents , respectively healthservices? Is it the […]
Azure Stack – ASDK Syslog Client Meets Log Analytics
In my previous post I blogged about how to install the latest version of Azure Stack Development Kit. Release 1.1809.0.90 has a built-in syslog client which I wanted to test. Azure Log Analytics supports syslog messages and therefore I think it is a valid solution to use it with Azure Stack. Sounds very cool in […]
SMA – ISE Add-On Editing Runbooks
A couple of month ago Microsoft released the latest (updated) version of PowerShell 5.0 . Why is this worth writing about? Well, with every new release there are some fantastic goodies included, you just need to discover them :). One of these goodies is (my) long awaited runbook editing capability for ISE. In this post […]