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SCOM 2012 – Example Agent Health Check Dashboard Using PowerShell Grid Widgets
In this post I would like to show you what the benefit is of having PowerShell integration in dashboards. The days before having the PowerShell widgets you mostly needed to export your PowerShell queries / results into some sort of text file / Excel sheet etc. to display the result. For example a common request […]
WAP – Get Windows Azure Pack Websites via PowerShell
Windows Azure Pack was Microsoft’s first attempt to bring Azure into your on-premise datacenter. The things you can do with it are limited to IaaS VM, PaaS databases and PaaS websites. In addition there is Service Bus and some networking part which is necessary for the IaaS / PaaS services. Of course there are other […]
OMS – Agent for Linux Installation (Preview)
Operational Management Suite (OMS) is probably the final product of a long evolution process starting back in 2011 known as System Center Advisor, later on transforming into Microsoft Azure Operational Insight and finally into a growing management suite for Azure and on-premise services. Read my post here for more historical information on this awesome solution. […]