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PowerShell – JSON-RPC 2.0 Interaction Connecting SCOM
SCOM is the best monitoring system on this planet but there are also other systems around. You might find yourself in a situation where you need to get some information from the other monitoring system into SCOM. Because there is probably not a supported connector for SCOM available we have to find a way to […]
SCSM 2016 / SCOM 2016 – SCOM 2016 Console Crashes After SCSM 2016 Console Installation
Have you ever installed System Center Service Manager 2016 and System Center Operations Manager 2016 console on the same system? Depending on the installation order, the SCOM console will crash with multiple errors like this… …and the console will appear empty or crash totally. We had the case, that the SCOM console was installed first […]
SCOM 2012 Visio Diagram in SharePoint 2010 – Errors
In my lab I installed SharePoint 2010 Enterprise. To do that there are several good sources on the internet. But still there are sometimes strange things happen and your Visio just does not appear in SharePoint and you just start fighting several errors. Here I am going to share my experience but remember it is […]