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Geekmania 2012 – Holding two Sessions
Posted on Author stefanroth
Geekmania is an independent Swiss IT Event which covers mostly tracks about Microsoft products but not only. Together with my fellow MVP Marcel Zehner I’ll be holding two sessions.
SCOM 2012 SP1 – Part 3: Audit Collection Services (ACS) Testing Cross Platform Logging
Posted on Author stefanroth
In part 1 and part 2 we installed ACS for collection Windows and Linux events. In part 3 I am going to show how the cross platform ACS works in an easy example. In part 2 we had a close look at a specific rule called Delete User. I think this is a perfect example […]
OMS – Disconnect Azure Storage Account from Workspace
Posted on Author stefanroth
In OMS you are able to collect data from storage account? Why is this useful? Well, there times where you want to store data from different Azure sources for a longer time than provided by Azure itself and then dig into the data using OMS. For example you are able to store IIS Logs, Windows […]