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Azure Log Analytics – Testing JOINs Part 2
In part 1 we got a pretty good understanding how joins work and what the results are. To make this a complete series we will now work on the remaining join types. Full Outer The fullouter join is a join that shows in addition to the inner matches, there’s a row for every row on […]
SCOM 2016 – What’s New UNIX/Linux Series: File System Discovery e.g. Exclude /tmp
A little pain in SCOM 2012 R2 was, that as soon you installed the UNIX/Linux management packs for your distribution all UNIX/Linux folders were discovered on the file system. This could be lead to a huge list of monitored directories e.g. /tmp, /var… which was not intended to be. To overcome this problem, you would […]
SCOM – Populate Attributes Through PowerShell
This time I would like to show a cool idea about modifying class instance properties. In SCOM we usually use registry or WMI discoveries to populate attributes. These attributes are used for dynamic groups or maybe just to append some more information to the class instance. Imagine you are using a registry discovery for populating […]