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SCOM 2012 – Distribut Agents Evenly (50:50)
I am sure you have a small SCOM infrastructure containing 2 management servers and probably 1 SQL server. If you and your colleagues deploy SCOM agents on a daily basis it can easily happen that not all management servers receive the equal amount of agents. Maybe management server 1 has 300 agents to monitor and […]
SCOM 2012 – JEE Application Availability Monitor Template
In SCOM 2012 you get also new possibilities to monitor your JEE application servers. If you are already monitoring an application server e.g. Tomcat then you will find under the authoring pane new Management Pack Templates. If you deployed BeanSpy and you are doing some deep monitoring with your JEE application servers, the next step […]
Azure Monitor – Monitoring Kubernetes (AKS) Sample Application Using Prometheus Scraping
Kubernetes is a proven and booming technology on Azure and so it is no surprise, that we need to monitor the Kubernetes infrastructure layer as well as the applications running on top of Kubernetes. A while ago Microsoft released Azure Monitor for containers, which gives you a good health and performance status of your Azure […]