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SCOM 2012 – Monitoring Oracle Database OLE DB Management Pack Template
As you know there are different ways to achieve certain things. It always depends on your requirements. In my latest blog post I would like to show how relatively easy it is to monitor an OLE DB connection to an Oracle database and also get some performance data. My well-respected fellow SCSM Guru and MVP […]
SCOM 2012 – Visio and SharePoint extensions
The Operations Manager team released the Visio and SharePoint extensions for System Center Operations Manager 2012 which can be used to visualize the state of system in a dynamic diagram. These diagrams can be displayed either in Visio or SharePoint. I will test them soon… These extensions can be found here.
ARM – Connect Activity Logs From Multiple Subscriptions As Log Analytics Workspace Data Source
Recently I had a requirement to automatically configure Activity Logs from multiple subscriptions to send their logs to a Log Analytics workspace. I am talking about this setting here… There are many ways how to achieve this goal. If you are into PowerShell you could use this cmdlet New-AzureRMOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource (I like the name ), this […]