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SCOM – Check Size of Databases (SQL Standard Reports)
If you want to know how much space your OperationsManger database is using you could run a SQL Report. Because it is a feature from SQL Server 2008 R2 it’s easily overseen I just want to show an example.
NiCE Datacenter Tag 2015 – Session “Operations Manager Dashboards – Neue Widgets und Möglichkeiten”
This blog title looks probably a bit strange to you because it is in German. The company NiCE is organizing a “Datacenter Day” in Munich and there will be all kind of topics presented by Microsoft, partners and people from the community. I will be having a session about the new widgets and its capabilities […]
OMS – Azure Scheduler Solution
UPDATE 07.08.2017 21:51: I found a bug in the ARM template which made the dashboard not appearing. I fixed it just now, in case you deployed the solution, just redeploy it. Sorry for that hassle. Currently I am doing some more OMS stuff and therefore I also took a deeper dive at building ARM templates […]