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SCOM 2012 – Performance of Linux Processes CPU, Memory…
I am a huge fan of Microsoft and I love to work with Microsoft products but sometimes I like to make a step to the “Dark Side” and put my fingers on Linux . As I frequently answer some questions on TechNet I found an interesting question. How could you monitor processes on Linux and […]
SCOM 2012 SP1 – Part 2: Audit Collection Services (ACS) Cross Platform Setup
In part 1 we installed the ACS collector, ACS reporting and enabled one Windows server to forward the events to the collector server ACS01. In this part we will install the cross platform part of ACS to collect the events from Linux systems.
Quick Post – SCOM An account specified in the Run As profile Microsoft.SystemCenter.Omonline.OutsideIn.RunAsProfile…
During a recent install of SCOM the health state of 4 management servers turned suddenly to critical and the 2 others stayed healthy. The setup consists of totally 6 management servers split up into 3 Resource Pools (Windows, Unix/Linux, Network/SNMP) and several gateway servers. It was somewhat suspicious, because for a long time the management […]